Dealing with Smoke and Ash in Your Car Park

13 December 2019

The bushfires roaring through New South Wales at the moment are obviously having devastating effects.

Moreover, the same can certainly be said for the smoke and ash which is hanging over and settling in all parts of Sydney.

These harmful particles are being breathed in by people all over the city. Moreover, ash is settling onto surfaces all over the city.

This ash then becomes a hazard to people, especially in enclosed areas like car parks.

Therefore, it’s important to schedule a sweep and scrub of your car park, for the health and safety of your customers.

Here’s why.

Irritation to the Eyes and Skin

If your eyes and skin are reacting to the smoke and ash, you’re definitely not alone.

The smoke and ash generated by the fires dries out and irritates our eyes. It may feel like a burning or itching sensation, and can do more serious damage if the exposure is constant.

Moreover, ash can affect your skin, particularly if you have an existing skin condition.

When particles build up and settle in your car park, it presents a health risk to those using the space.

Therefore, by contracting a sweep and scrub company to machine wash your car park, you’ll be looking out for the health of your customers and staff.

Harmful to the Respiratory System

We now know all about the damage that dust can do to the respiratory system.

Unfortunately, particles of smoke and ash from bushfires can also affect our throat and lungs in a similar way.

For example, these particles can cause bronchitis. Moreover, they can aggravate existing conditions such as asthma, emphysema and other chronic lung issues.

At Sydney Sweep and Scrub, we are well versed in dealing with harmful particles that settle on concrete surfaces.

Schedule a machine wash to deal with these pollutants.

To book in a machine wash in your car park, get in touch with Sydney Sweep and Scrub here.