These are the Ultimate Tips to Protect Your Staff and Your Office from COVID-19

9 July 2020

When your staff return to the office, it’s imperative that you provide a safe and healthy working environment.

More specifically, your workers must be protected from COVID-19 at all times.

Therefore, we’ve provided some of our ultimate tips below, to ensure that your staff are protected from COVID-19 when they return to the office.

Know When to Disinfect

There’s a big difference between disinfecting and sanitising, as we’ve discussed previously.

Disinfecting kills germs and the bacteria that spreads viruses, while sanitising only brings the germs down to a ‘safe’ level.

Whilst sanitising may be appropriate in some cases, when it comes to battling COVID-19 you must disinfect.

This will ensure that your common area surfaces are not harbouring harmful germs, especially the ones that carry COVID-19.

At Sydney Sweep and Scrub, our disinfecting services are second to none. And our highly trained staff know exactly how to give the most thorough clean possible.

Distance Workers Appropriately

Social distancing may well become the norm in offices all around Sydney.

Therefore, you should ensure that in your office, your employees are observing the recommended 1.5m separation rule.

This will ensure that your workers are far less likely to spread illness among themselves, through a spread of particles from coughing or sneezing.

Research has shown that social distancing is an extremely effective method in the battle against COVID-19.

Therefore, you simply must implement this into your Sydney office.

If you need to reorganise your office to optimise social distancing, you should work with a Sydney office design company to get the best results.

Hire a Professional Sydney Commercial Cleaning Company

The best way to make sure your office is as clean as it can be is to hire a professional commercial cleaning company like Sydney Sweep and Scrub.

We’ll use our experience and knowledge to create a workplace which is safe and healthy for your staff.

Provide PPE and Sanitiser

Some workers may feel more comfortable using masks and gloves.

Therefore, you should provide PPE like this for your staff that would like to use them. It will make them feel more comfortable about returning to the office.

In turn, that means they’ll be happier and more productive at work.

Moreover, hand sanitiser is a must. Provide sanitiser for your staff by placing bottles or dispensers all around the office.

This will help to prevent a spread of germs by touch, which is the most common way of transmission for COVID-19.

To discuss Sydney commercial cleaning for your office common areas, get in touch with Sydney Sweep and Scrub here.